Let’s Get Real.
It doesn’t really look like this.
If you don’t feel like a goddess feeding your sweet cherub, you aren’t alone. If it was always so beautiful, I would be out of a job. But you don’t have to suffer in silence or give up on breastfeeding when you don’t want to.
The thing is, it’s not you. You are amazing! Seriously. You are here, aren’t you? You try so hard! But would you like for things to be easier?
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard pregnant women tell me that they’d like to breastfeed, but they know that not all women can, or that it is just so hard. There is a reason for why this seems like such a widespread problem.
We lost generations of breastfeeding knowledge when formula became so popular. Back in 1972 only 22% of women tried at least once to nurse their babies. Then the word got out that “breast is best” so we began trying to nurse our babies the same way we bottle feed them. It turns out, that causes a lot of babies to fight at the breast or have a difficult time latching. Also, taking pain medication during labor can impact the infant’s ability to suckle initially.
Women who have heard everyone say it is so difficult, buy into the idea that they have dysfunctional bodies before they even have their baby. In most cases, your body works just fine.
Infants have reflexes that help them to nurse. The problem is, if their reflexes are stimulated while they are being held in the standard ways, they flail and appear to be fighting the breast, or their hands get in the way of their mouth and getting them to open wide for a good latch is a struggle. But if you place the baby on you in a way that works with their reflexes, you’ll see how much more effective it can be. Breastfeeding/chestfeeding was never supposed to be perfect from the start because babies are learning, and so are you. It’s a process, but it doesn’t need to be painful or so difficult.
Schedule a consultation and I will help you find an easier, more effective way.