Lactation Consultations

  • Your infant has reflexes and instincts that help them find and latch onto the breast, and it is also learned. But what about for you? My research revealed what methods are most effective for moms to learn how to nurse.

  • You know best what you and your baby need. I’m here to support your feeding goals, whatever those may be.

  • Around 50% of all women report having birth trauma. This makes recovery and nursing all tIe more difficult to manaage. I have trauma informed training to guide you through this process in gentle and respectful ways.

  • My methods and any information I relay to you are evidence-based so that you can make informed decisions for your care.

  • I can come to your home so that your appointment with me is convenient and relaxing for you! No one who is recovering from having a baby enjoys packing up the stroller, the diaper bag, and the crying baby and driving through traffic to an appointment. Plus, by coming to your home I can help you get comfortable nursing in the environment that you actually nurse your baby in.

“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.”

— Robert Frank, black and white photographer

This is what holistic lactation care looks like.

Check out my Instagram account, Milk and Kookys, for tips, information, and fun.