How do I get her mouth open wide!? Why isn't this working?! Come on baby, open up!

How do I get her mouth open wide!? Why isn't this working?! Come on baby, open up!

It’s frustrating, isn’t it. You are told to wait until the baby opens their mouth wide and then latch them on, but your baby won’t open up. You may have had another lactation consultant shove the baby on the breast really fast once their mouth opened, but you can’t, or you try but the baby just gets more resistant.

It’s not you! The problem is, feeding babies in ways that go against their instincts and reflexes usually doesn’t work very well. And yet this is how moms and parents of newborns are often taught to nurse their baby. I can help you understand your newborn’s developmental needs and how this impacts latching. I’ve also done research on what helps you and baby learn how to nurse.

Also, If you are supplementing with a bottle or giving them a pacifier, certain nipple types can discourage a wide-open mouth as well. You may have been given one in the hospital, or the packaging said if you bought it your baby would be the happiest kid ever and would be able to leap from tall buildings and defy gravity.

Stop the struggle! Set up an appointment and we will get your baby latching without pain and tears.